Doers and Dreamers – Che Sharp-Jackson, P.T.

The route that some people take to eventually land here in the Hudson Valley is certainly interesting sometimes. However, we should all be glad that people take that route because most likely, they will contribute to our community in a very positive way. That’s definitely the case with this week’s Doer and Dreamer,  Che Sharp-Jackson, […]

2015 New Year’s Eve Celebration and Day 1 Community Walk

Last week, the beginning of a New Year was celebrated by many, in many ways all over the world. Here in Kingston, we celebrated in the street as a community and not just on the eve of the New Year but on the day after as well. The Uptown New Year’s Eve celebration continues to […]

New Year’s Eve Celebrations in Kingston: From Tango to Fireworks!

Along with the bawdy New Year’s Eve extravaganza in Uptown Kingston, which includes fireworks for the first time this year, there are several other places and ways to celebrate in the area. Many of our local restaurants will be serving from special menus as they traditionally do, but did you know did you know that […]

2015 Winter Holiday Events in Kingston, NY

‘Tis the season for holiday fundraisers, concerts, theater performances, parties, special services and a lot more events to enjoy with family and the rest of the community. This year, there is everything from an ‘Ugly Sweater’ Fundraiser at Ole Savannah’s to the Hudson Valley Philharmonic’s presentation of Handel’s ‘Messiah’ at UPAC as well as many […]

The “Last Train” Arrives at the Trolley Museum

As Port Authority employees evacuated the World Trade Center rail terminal that fateful morning of 9/11, train crews and other survivors crowded aboard one train out. Leaving stranded another train, which remained as the towers fell. Today, the last surviving car from that train sits preserved in a massive plane hangar at JFK airport, where […]

Doers and Dreamers – Andrea Park

Among the assets that I hear people talk about in reference to our community are usually its historic background, picturesque setting in the Hudson Valley, and abundance of superb artists and musicians. However, the hidden gems that help this community to function on a daily basis are its dedicated professionals that provide social services of […]

Doers and Dreamers – Kelli Galloway

This cycle seems to repeat itself many times over. Someone happens to travel to this area, decides that it’s a nice place to hang out, sets up a part time residence and then discovers that they’d like to set up shop here and then “Whoomp!, there it is!”, we have a new, enthusiastic and welcome […]

Doers and Dreamers – Austin Benjamin

Our area is very fortunate to have an abundance of businesses that help to promote wellness and fitness from yoga and Tai Chi to speed training and power lifting.  For those that want to improve their level of fitness, it’s really important to find qualified, experienced, practitioners that are dedicated to their craft. From his […]

Doers and Dreamers – Michael Del Vecchio

We are very fortunate in this area to have an abundance of musical talent that covers every genre of music from punk rock to classical. During any given week you are likely to find live performances of jazz, rockabilly, blues, classic rock, etc. at any one a dozen or so venues that regularly host local […]

Doers and Dreamers – Christine Russomanno

Sometimes in business, people are successful because they ‘built a better mousetrap’ and in some cases it was just a matter of just doing whatever they do better. This week’s Doer and Dreamer, Christine Russomanno, is doing both. Your name: Christine Russomanno Business or organization: Gentle Office Cleaning Service Occupation: Business owner What is your approach […]

The O+ Festival!: The Party is Over but the Spirit Lives On

For all appearances, this year’s O+ Festival was more successful than previous years with more attendees, more participants,  more sponsors and even more importantly, more clinical services provided to artists and volunteers. The kick-off parade was as enthusiastic as any other year despite a light drizzle and what the artists provided for the entire weekend […]

0+ Festival: Engaging the Entire Community Through Arts and Music

By contributing writer Lynn Woods Held over Columbus Day weekend, Kingston’s 0+ Festival was launched six years ago as a way to bring talented musicians and performance artists to the area to perform in exchange for free and reduced medical and dental care. Scores of bands descended on the city, performances sprouted up in restaurants, […]

Doers and Dreamers – Tia Ashe

The journeys that some people take in their careers can lead them to different worlds, but usually there is a an essence that is preserved and carried with them into their new endeavors. Meet this week’s Doer and Dreamer, Tia Ashe, whose transformation has taken her from healing broken bodies to helping to nourish women’s […]

Doers and Dreamers – Massoumeh Emami Osterhout

Whether you are having coffee at a local cafe, dining at a local eatery, enjoying a cocktail at a local watering hole, or just strolling around the streets of Kingston, you can meet people with some pretty  interesting backgrounds making a living in ways that you would never guess. You’ll also find out how much they […]

Doers and Dreamers – Barbara Connelly Cohen

When this week’s Doer and Dreamer says it’s important “to support our local community” it’s not just a platitude from someone sitting on the sidelines. Whether she is a chairperson, worker bee, cheerleader, or patron, many of the organizations in our area and our community as a whole have been the beneficiaries of her involvement. […]