Video: Reliving Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I A Woman?”, Kingston’s Black History Month 2019 Reenactment

On Saturday February 9th, the 1st Annual Sojourner Truth Life Walk took place. Traversing from Port Ewen to the Ulster County Courthouse, walk participants retraced many of the steps Sojourner Truth took during her life enslaved in Ulster County. The walk concluded at the Old Dutch Church where historian and reenactor Deborah A. Zuill presented […]

Family, Loss, & Love: “A Shayna Maidel” presented by Kingston’s Coach House Players

By contributing writer Veronica Fassbender     “A Shayna Maidel” (beautiful girl in Yiddish) is a striking play focused on family, transitions, and resiliency. Set in post-WWII America, it tells the stories of two sisters who grew up in different worlds. The youngest sister, Rose (played by Cheyenne Mitchell) grew up Americanized in New York City […]

Art Walk Kingston – largest open studio tour in the Mid-Hudson region!

By Linda Marston-Reid Linda Marston-Reid is an artist, writer, and executive director of Arts Mid-Hudson. The 3rd Annual Art Walk Kingston open studio weekend returns Saturday, September 22 and Sunday, September 23, noon until 5:00 pm each day, and with over 130 artists’ work on exhibit, it is the largest open studio in the Hudson […]

Heroes’ Day in Kingston, NY

Join the Hudson River Maritime Museum, the Trolley Museum of New York, the Volunteer Firemen’s Hall and Museum of Kingston, historic fireboat John J. Harvey, the U.S. Coast Guard and area fire, police, and rescue departments in an event highlighting the courage, selflessness, and sacrifice of Emergency Service Personnel for Heroes’ Day. There will be […]

Ship to Shore: 20 Years a Rondout Institution (video)

Operating a successful restaurant for 20 years here in the highly competitive Hudson Valley is no small feat and chef/owner Samir Hrichi established this premiere restaurant on a shoestring in 1998 and has been keeping customers happy ever since. Ship to Shore is a New York style Steakhouse located on Kingston’s Rondout Waterfront known for […]

Riverport Sailing and Rowing School

By Contributing Writer: Jody Taffet Sterling Many people look with longing at sailboats gliding on the Hudson River and wonder how they can get out on the water to experience the majesty of sailing on our river, surrounded by beautiful mountains. Now, there is a way for everyone to get out on the Hudson. The […]

Memorial Day Weekend Happenings in Kingston, NY

These are just the highlights of this weekend’s activities in the Kingston, NY area. For the complete list of events check out the KingstonHappenings.Org weekly calendar at

We are INTO Yellow

By Linda Marston-Reid Linda Marston-Reid is an artist, writer, and executive director of Arts Mid-Hudson. First Saturday Kingston attendees will have an exciting opportunity to experience collaborative exhibits at The Storefront Gallery and ARTBAR Gallery this month. We Are #INTOYellow features two concurrent exhibits with gallery owners Allie Constant and Nancy Donskoj working with conceptual […]

Machinama Makes Its Debut in Kingston

By Linda Marston-Reid Linda Marston-Reid is an artist, writer, and executive director of Arts Mid-Hudson. This month during 1st Saturday Kingston don’t miss the fresh exhibit at the Lace Mill Gallery featuring the artwork of resident Frank Waters. His exhibit, “Bluu Motion: The world of machinima and animation,” will kick off Black History Month at the […]

Sawkill Creek Wines Founder Shares Talents at bluecashew Kitchen Homestead

Sawkill Creek, a Woodstock-based boutique brand of limited production handcrafted wines, ciders, bitters and elixirs, was started in 2008 as a pop-up by Brooke Vosika, former Exec Chef of the Four Seasons Hotel Boston. Brooke’s tenured career with Four Seasons Resorts spans over three decades including stints in DC, Chicago, Seattle, Atlanta and New York […]

Kingston’s Uptown 2018 New Year’s Eve Celebration: A Quick Glimpse

The brutal cold kept many of the casual revellers home but there were still quite a few die-hards that bundled up and came out to celebrate the end of the year 2017 and the christening of 2018 in the annual Uptown New Year’s Eve Celebration at the intersection of Wall and North Front Streets.. There […]

2018 New Year’s Eve: The Party is on Again

What’s Happening Uptown and All Around the Town! Uptown New Year’s Eve will be the kickoff of 2018 with what has now become an annual celebration with live music, Kingston’s version of a NYC Time Square ‘ball drop’, and fireworks. local rockabilly band Lara Hope and the Arktones will warm up the crowd(hopefully) before the […]

Fire, Ice, and Santa Headline This Year’s Snowflake Festival

Kingston’s Sinterklaas Celebration, Not to Be Missed

Always bringing forward elements from the past and introducing even more new ways to entertain people of all ages, this year’s Sinterklaas Celebration is staying true to form. Kids will still be able to make their ‘Crowns and Branches’ to carry in the parade in various workshops that day and before. Then they can join […]