Kids Art! Ages 6-8

Kids Art! Ages 6-8

Kids Art! Ages 6-8

Join us at The Department of Things for our fun after school art class for kids ages 6-8 on Tuesdays from 4pm-5:15pm! March 11, 18,25 & April [...]

Visual Storytelling: Grades 5-8

Visual Storytelling: Grades 5-8

Visual Storytelling: Grades 5-8

8 Tuesdays March 25, April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13 (snow day May 20) 4:00 - 5:30pm Grades 5-8 Price: $240 Want [...]

Art Practice and Conversation

Art Practice and Conversation

Art Practice and Conversation

Maintaining an art practice takes just that: practice! This weekly self-guided class offers space, structure, and a wide variety of materials for artists to experiment [...]

free mixed media journaling + sketch

free mixed media journaling + sketch

free mixed media journaling + sketch

free mixed-media journaling with rotating artists from 4-6 in the back room at rewind aka the vault aka our local history room- a collection of [...]

Life Drawing for Everyone

Life Drawing for Everyone

Life Drawing for Everyone

6 Wednesdays Feb 26, Mar 5, 12,19, 26, Apr 2 (snow day Apr 9) 6 - 8pm Ages 14 and Up Price: $320 Have fun [...]

Film Screening w/Q&A – “RATS!”

Film Screening w/Q&A - "RATS!"

Film Screening w/Q&A - "RATS!"

Local film producer and music supervisor brings surprise-hit stoner comedy RATS! to Upstate Films, followed by a Q&A with select cast & crew (moderated by [...]

Eco Art! Spring session for Ages 5+

Eco Art! Spring session for Ages 5+

Eco Art! Spring session for Ages 5+

Join our fun spring session for little ones on Thursdays at The Department of Things! Eco Art is trash art workshop for kids designed to interact [...]

Knit an Estonian Shawl with Dania

Knit an Estonian Shawl with Dania

Knit an Estonian Shawl with Dania

Thu, Mar 27, 2025    
6:00 pm-8:00 pm
Ready to go beyond beginner knitting? Learn to make an Estonian lace shawl in a contemporary design in this three-part course with Dania following the [...]

Kusama Dot Pumpkin Craft

Kusama Dot Pumpkin Craft

Kusama Dot Pumpkin Craft

It's Women's History Month! Using the Japanese pop artist, Yayoi Kusama, as inspiration, we’ll make polka-dot pumpkins in her signature style. We’ll provide materials. No [...]

“New York Holographic Artists”

"New York Holographic Artists"

"New York Holographic Artists"

Our current exhibition "New York Holographic Artists" features the work of holographic artists from NY state. The work is largely historic featuring many different kinds [...]

Death Cafe

Death Cafe

Death Cafe

Sat, Mar 29, 2025    
10:00 am-11:30 am
At Circle Home Saturday, March 29 100 Wurts Street Kingston, NY 12401 All are welcome!   No admission!   Light refreshments! CFD Death Cafés are [...]

Saturday Arts Lab: Grades 3-5

Saturday Arts Lab: Grades 3-5

Saturday Arts Lab: Grades 3-5

6 sessions on Saturdays March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, April 5 (snow day Apr 12) 10 – 11am Grades 3-5 Price: $120 Designed for [...]

“New York Holographic Artists”

"New York Holographic Artists"

"New York Holographic Artists"

Our current exhibition "New York Holographic Artists" features the work of holographic artists from NY state. The work is largely historic featuring many different kinds [...]

Cold Weather & Indoor Composting Seminar

Cold Weather & Indoor Composting Seminar

Cold Weather & Indoor Composting Seminar

Sat, Mar 29, 2025    
12:00 pm-2:00 pm
Composting slows in colder weather. Learn some helpful tips to keep your outdoor compost pile “cooking” even in the colder months! Participants will learn about [...]

Crochet Flower Garden

Crochet Flower Garden

Crochet Flower Garden

Sun, Mar 30, 2025    
10:00 am-1:00 pm
Welcome Cal Patch! May flowers may not be quite here yet, but you can whip up some colorful spring cheer with bits of leftover yarn [...]