Navigating Pokémon GO in Kingston, NY

Is Kingston is the best place to catch Pokémon in the Hudson Valley?

Based on this Pokémon Go infographic published yesterday by local creative agency Kingston Creative, we’re going to say yes. Our Uptown, Midtown and Rondout neighborhoods all are packed with goodies for Pokémon players; and there are so many great businesses where players can eat, drink and shop while waiting for their Pokémon eggs to hatch (seriously).

Kingston Creative collaborated with local designer Brittney Scott to create this resource for both local residents and new visitors who want to visit as many Pokéstops as possible. Catch ’em all before people move on to something else!

Re-published with permission:


Uptown Pokestop Map


Midtown Pokestop Map


Rondout Pokestop Map

Re-published with permission: