Hudson Valley “Virtual Quilt” Project: Let’s Be “Apart Together”

Cultural Quilt of the Hudson Valley Engages Schools, Seniors, Celebrates Diversity and Builds Community While We Are Apart

A crowd-sourced art project, launched by the Reher Center for Immigrant Culture and History and the Barrett Art Center, invites neighbors to come together while we are apart to collaboratively produce a digital quilt representing our diversity and oneness in the Hudson Valley.

Children, teens, and adults are invited to participate by making their own Upcycled Collage Square and uploading the digital photograph to Instagram with the hashtag #CulturalQuiltHV. Search the hashtag to see all of the squares appearing as one large (and growing) Cultural Quilt. Find an instruction sheet and get inspired by examples of quilt patterns around the world at

Instructions to make a square

The full Cultural Quilt will be on display June 14 as part of the Reher Center’s first online Kingston Multicultural Festival, which will feature performances, crafts and activities from the various cultural groups that make the Hudson Valley such a richly diverse region. This will be the 8th annual festival, which has been held in previous years at T.R. Gallo Park in Downtown Kingston.

As a means of engaging and uplifting our most affected populations, the Reher Center is working with school groups, religious organizations and other area arts organizations to make a square representing their identities.

Some of our Kingston neighbors already have jumped on board and sent us unique images like Salvadoran papusas, Ukranian flowers, Hong Kong islands and dragonfly and musical-note symbols.


Here are some samples of quits from around the world: Quilts


For more information on the quilt project and upcoming virtual Kingston Multicultural Festival, go to


