St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Kingston


Sun, Mar 16, 2025    
1:00 pm


Kingston, NY
1 FakeStreetNameSoCheckDetail, Kingston, NY, 12401

Event Type

The Ulster County AOH and Ulster County LAOH invite you to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in Kingston with a Parade! Sunday, March 16th in Kingston, NY. Step off is from Kingston Plaza starting at 1 p.m.
Grand Marshal: Bill Sutton
Irish Princes: Cadence Tuey
Bearer of St. Patrick: Brantley Wrixon
Mayor of the Day: Rita Geary Schabot
The Committee will be awarding trophies for:
Best Band
Best Decorated Float
Best Original Irish Spirit
Best School Unit
Best Decorated Fire Department
Best Original Group
Advertise in our Parade Journal! Consider placing an ad or listing/memorial in our Parade Journal to help offset the cost of the Parade. Email us your ad as early as possible. The deadline for placing an ad in the parade journal is February 17, 2024.
Join the Parade! The deadline for registering a float and/or marchers is February 14, 2024.
Forms for advertising in the Parade Journal or joining the parade with a group or float can be found on our website:–patrick-s-parade.html