Guided Imagery & Sound Healing with Angel Readings


Sat, Apr 20, 2024    
4:30 pm-6:30 pm


Old Dutch Church
272 Wall St, Kingston, NY, 12401

Event Type

Welcome to a very powerful and fun event, filled with like-minded people looking for more loving friends.  You can expect to feel better when you leave than you felt when you arrived.  Experience many kinds of psychic card readings, so bring a question.  This is followed by guided imagery meditation channeled for your group,  chakra balancing with crystal bowls, meeting your most cherished HEALING guide in meditation, hands-on healing by Lorry, A powerful Gong Wash, and lots of sharing.  Bring your questions for the cards.  If you have reiki questions, I am here to answer them as well.  Enter Fair Street’s handicapped entrance, go up the steps immediately, and through the long hallway to the balcony.  We are in the first room.  The donation is 25 for one and 40 for two.  We share a small portion with the church. If you need me text me at 516-708-5213.