Garden Talk & Bite Workshop


Tue, Jul 23, 2024    
5:00 pm-7:00 pm


South Pine Street City Farm
27 South Pine Street, Kingston , New York

Event Type

In this interactive workshop we will pick produce from the garden and talk about the culinary, nutritional, and health benefits, ending our gathering with a delicious bite of prepared garden delectables! In an organic, conversational format, we’ll discuss strategies to maximize nutrition and pleasure while minimizing the impact on your pocketbook! All ages welcome!
About your facilitator:
Sarah Carlson is a Holistic Health Coach, Yoga Teacher and sound and energy healer. She combines nutrition, mindfulness, and body awareness to support individuals in achieving best health. She studied healing chronic illness and Lyme disease with renowned practitioner Hillary Thing, as well as Nutritionist and Biochemist Karen Hurd, among others. She has a passion for supporting individuals in their health journey, be it from cancer, thyroid disease, hormonal imbalance, or other chronic disease.