Enterprise Sales Meetup with Matt of Inverge


Tue, Apr 16, 2024    
6:00 pm-8:00 pm


CoWork Kingston
8 N. Front St. , Kingston, New York , 12401

Event Type

Join us for an in-person, collaborative session about enterprise sales with Matthew Tallarico of Inverge.

Inverge is a SaaS operations tool for enterprise online retailers, connecting their various tools much like Zapier. Check them out here: https://invergehq.com/

We’ll be brainstorming to help Matt with his acquisition channels. Come with questions about their past results with:

  1. Word of mouth
  2. Sales life cycle
  3. Advertising
  4. Partnerships

rsvp: https://www.meetup.com/hudson-valley-product-market-fit-group/events/300060337/