Doers and Dreamers – Angela Rose Voulgarelis

One of the encouraging local economic indicators in the area is the investment being made in commercial real estate. The Broadmor building in Midtown, Mansion House on the Rondout, and the New York State Bank building (most recently occupied by the Tonnor Doll Co.) in Uptown are examples of properties where investments have recently been made. This week’s Doer and Dreamer has recently bought a another large property on Railroad Ave that has served as a roller rink, bowling alley, coat factory, and antique restoration business.  Meet this week’s Doer and Dreamer Angela Rose Voulgarelis, who is not only a successful artist, but is also experienced in developing and managing properties. You have an opportunity to check out her new project in its still raw form on Dec. 8 as she is hosting the fourth annual Made in Kingston expo which will showcase local businesses and the works of local artists and artisans.


Your name: Angela Rose Voulgarelis

Business or organization: Ferrovia Studios

Occupation: Artist

What is your approach to your business or occupation that makes you unique?
My process as an artist has been informed by my relationship with long term mentors, with whom I’ve studied for the past 22 years, primarily in Italy. Through that seminal connection, I’ve been participating with an international collective of artists that continually remind me to get out of my own way. For me, it’s important to check myself and remain teachable.

Where are you from originally? Chelsea, New York City

What brought you to the Kingston area and keeps you in this area?
My partner and his motorcycle introduced me to the area, and we moved here in 2010. After having a home studio for 6 years, I felt slightly isolated and wanted to work in the company of other artists. What keeps me here is the quality of community, and finally feeling like I belong.

What is your favorite hangout in this area and why?
Since they’ve opened, Pakt and Kovo are pretty great. Both are owned and operated by women, which is important to recognize and support, and the atmosphere and food are delicious.

When you’re not in Kingston, what’s your idea of a wonderful city to visit, and why?
Since my home city has largely priced out its independent spirit, opting instead for chain stores and bank branches on virtually every corner, any city that can retain and promote its local arts-based community is exciting to visit.

Tell us something that we never would have guessed about you.
I love hand writing cards and letters, not just around the holidays