Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque a justo a arcu placerat dapibus. Pellentesque semper dignissim dictum. Aenean ac enim vitae felis lobortis feugiat. Nunc ut turpis condimentum, gravida quam a, luctus ligula. Suspendisse sed nisl convallis, ultrices ligula quis, ullamcorper massa. Pellentesque turpis metus, hendrerit ut elit ac, dictum pellentesque arcu. Nullam placerat euismod lorem, vitae congue felis sollicitudin sed. Sed ipsum enim, faucibus in facilisis quis, ultrices vel dolor. Nulla facilisis risus id risus consectetur, sed iaculis massa iaculis. Quisque eget fringilla arcu, vitae imperdiet tellus. Quisque rutrum metus sed tincidunt venenatis. Sed eu felis a enim euismod efficitur. Cras ultricies purus at viverra luctus. Nam eget porttitor nibh, vitae ullamcorper nibh. Pellentesque purus felis, rutrum non sagittis ut, accumsan non felis.
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Join us at The Department of Things for our fun after school art class for kids ages 7-9 on Tuesdays from 4pm-5:10pm! Lead by local [...]
6 Tuesdays Jan 14, 21, 28, Feb 4, 11, 18, (snow day Feb 25) 6 - 8:30 pm Ages 16+ Discover the fundamentals of hard [...]
6 Tuesdays Jan 14, 21, 28, Feb 4, 11, 18, (snow day Feb 25) 6 - 8:30 pm Ages 16+ Discover the fundamentals of hard [...]
free mixed-media journaling with rotating artists from 4-6 in the back room at rewind aka the vault aka our local history room- a collection of [...]
Ages 16 and Up Price: $200 Join us in this 5-week workshop where Dilara will guide students on how to turn their artwork into a [...]
Come hang out with the Cornell Creative Arts Center and World’s End Comics on January 25th from 12 PM to 4 PM at 129 Cornell [...]
6 Sundays Jan 12, 19, 26, Feb 2, 9, 16, (snow day Feb 23) 2 - 5 pm Ages 16+ Mokuhanga, or Japanese woodblock printing, [...]
Join us at The Department of Things for our fun after school art class for kids ages 7-9 on Tuesdays from 4pm-5:10pm! Lead by local [...]
6 Tuesdays Jan 14, 21, 28, Feb 4, 11, 18, (snow day Feb 25) 6 - 8:30 pm Ages 16+ Discover the fundamentals of hard [...]
6 Tuesdays Jan 14, 21, 28, Feb 4, 11, 18, (snow day Feb 25) 6 - 8:30 pm Ages 16+ Discover the fundamentals of hard [...]
Foodie Paradiso: La Florentina Fires It Up!
/in Foodie Paradiso /byBy contributing writer: Susie Linn I’m always a little leery of restaurants in strip malls, but La Florentina is one of those proverbial gems, a first-rate Italian restaurant and pizzeria in an unremarkable setting. Here in a series of strip malls that house the likes of a Chinese takeout, a nail salon and a fitness […]
Doers and Dreamers – A.J. and Cathy Uhl
/in Doers and Dreamers /byYou have to admire small business owners that take on Herculean tasks and sometimes equally large risk, to develop a business that focuses primarily on family entertainment. This week’s Doers and Dreamers, A.J. and Cathy Uhl, own and operate a sprawling facility that includes a go-kart track, miniature golf, batting cages, and ice cream stand. […]
Doers and Dreamers – Carla Rozman
/in Doers and Dreamers /byI sometimes hear people in our community lament the decline of traditional business and manufacturing jobs in this area while discounting the recognition and prestige that Kingston is garnering as an ‘artist friendly’ town. The arts are infused into almost everything we do, and there is a ‘business’ of art that goes beyond creating paintings […]