###Kingston Happenings Weekly Newsletter

Movie screenings, community meetings, ukelele lessons(not kidding), historic tours and lectures, classical music, are just a sample of what’s on the entertainment docket this week here in the Kingston area.

Our Weekly Newsletter is only a snapshot of all of the events that are going on in the Kingston area this week. To see everything else that’s going on, visit us at our brand new and ever improving website, KingstonHappenings.Org , and get out and enjoy it all!



This week’s highlights:

Events Links
17 Jun

LGBTQ+Allies Community Yoga Class

Mon, Jun 17, 2019    
7:00 pm-8:00 pm
Are you LGBTQ and seeking a comfortable environment to learn the basics of yoga? We’re excited to offer this open, beginners class, taught by Yogi [...]


Kingston NY




To ensure that Kingston Happenings can continue to improve it’s services to our community here are some things that we would like you to do.

– Enjoy the new newsletter and distribute it to your friends
– ‘Like’ us on Facebook to get daily notices
– Check out the website and see how much you’ve been missing in our great community
– Have events to promote? It’s a snap to do here.

For more information about Kingston Happenings or to send comments or suggestions, click here.

Have suggestions or comments? Send them here.
