Ulster County Handspinners Guild Visits the Matthewis Persen House

Ulster County Clerk Nina Postupack is pleased to welcome the Ulster County Handspinners Guild to the Matthewis Persen House on Saturday, August 20th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.  The house is located at 74 John Street in uptown Kingston, at the historic intersection of John and Crown Streets. Admission is free and all are welcome.

This Saturday, August 20th, Gina Martin-Woodruff, member of the Ulster County Handspinners Guild and Art Educator, will demonstrate wool spinning on a traditional spinning wheel and explain the process of wool textile-making from raw wool to the finished product of a garment. She will also spin wool using various hand spindles which date back thousands of years.  Sheep wool, angora rabbit and goat hair will be exhibited.

The Ulster County Handspinners Guild is a group devoted to the teaching, promotion and encouragement of the art of handspinning. The Guild participates in workshops, spin-ins, county fairs and fleece to shawl competitions. They have a book and video library and own fiber related equipment that all members can borrow.

“It is always a treat to have a new host at the Persen House and we are excited to welcome Gina Martin-Woodruff of the Handspinners Guild,” stated County Clerk Nina Postupack.  “It has been our goal since the house opened as a museum to bring in hosts from the around the county and from various historical and heritage groups to present events that truly speak to the amazing history and culture of Ulster County.”

To learn more about the Ulster County Handspinners Guild, visit them on Facebook or email ulsterspinners@gmail.com.
