Privacy Policy

Kingston Happenings is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, and share your information when you visit our website or use our services.

What information do we collect?

We collect the following types of information from our users:

  • Personal information: Email address

How do we collect information?

We collect information from our users when they subscribe to our newsletters.

Why do we collect information?

We collect information from our users to distribute a twice-weekly newsletters.

How do we share information?

We do not share this information.

How do we protect your information?

We implement a variety of security measures to protect your information, including:

  • Using access controls to limit who has access to your information.
  • Monitoring our systems for unauthorized access or activity.

How can you access and manage your information?

You can email us at

How do we update this privacy policy?

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by posting the updated privacy policy on our website.