Kingston, NY

Phase II Reopening Resources

Beginning Tuesday June 9th there will be some new changes regarding the Mid-Hudson Region’s long-awaited reopening. Check out the resources below to determine what will be available to the public and how to keep safe while enjoying these newly opened industries-

Mid-Hudson Region Enters Phase II of Re-opening on Tuesday

The Mid-Hudson region is set to enter Phase II of reopening on Tuesday, June 9. We have compiled some useful information, which is also available at

* For Phase II industries and guidance please visit HERE.

* Governor Andrew Cuomo announced outdoor dining at restaurants will be permitted in Phase II of reopening. Outdoor tables must be spaced six feet apart, all staff must wear face coverings and customers must also wear face coverings when not seated. For guidance from the state on how to operate outdoor dining, click HERE.

* State Liquor Authority (SLA) has issued guidance on a streamlined process for the expansion of licensed premises for service of alcoholic beverages. That guidance can be found HERE.

* Empire State Development has updated their FAQ page for New York Forward and the reopening of the state. It can be found HERE.

* OSHA has released guidance on how stockroom and loading dock workers can remain safe during COVID-19. A copy of that guidance can be found HERE.

* The CDC, in conjunction with OSHA, has released extensive guidance for agriculture workers during COVID-19. The guidance can be found HERE.

Check New York Forward for more information and to monitor the status of the re-opening phases. On the website you will find:

·       Metrics Guide to Re-Opening

·       Industries Re-Opening Phases

·       List of Members on the Hudson Valley Regional Control Room

·       Regional Monitoring Dashboard


(List of Resources Compiled by the City of Kingston)
