Stop Motion Animation: Claymation Party


Mon, Aug 25, 2025 - Sat, Aug 30, 2025    
9:00 am-4:00 pm


Midtown Kingston Arts District and the D.R.A.W.
20 Cedar Street, Kingston, NY, 12401

Event Type

Monday – Friday, 9 am – 4 pm (aftercare available)
August 25, 26, 27, 28, 29

Grades 3-5

Campers in this hands-on stop motion + fine art making filmmaking camp explore the magical fun of this classic filmmaking technique. Our young filmmakers will work in small production groups to design and create unique clay worlds and plasticine characters and will bring them to life using professional grade software “DragonFrame Stop Motion”. Students will use DSLR cameras and Mac laptops and have a chance to record their own sound effects during a foley exercise. Voice-overs will be recorded after the voice actors have been selected. Finally, the campers will get in front of the lens themselves during a “pixilation” exercise (the animation of living subjects). The finished animated short films will be edited together with sound and music and will be shown at the studio and shared via a protected online link. Visitors to our Vimeo page can download the film to view again and again.


Please register at least a week in advance to guarantee your spot.


We believe in access to art education for all. It takes the whole community to generate the equity our pay-what-you-can tuition generates. Behind the scenes, we work to bridge the financial gap between what our students can pay and what we need to sustain our programs. Please consider carefully before you use our discount codes. Discount codes are listed on our website.

Stop Motion Animation: Claymation Party


Mon, Aug 25, 2025 - Sat, Aug 30, 2025    
9:00 am-4:00 pm


Midtown Kingston Arts District and the D.R.A.W.
20 Cedar Street, Kingston, NY, 12401

Event Type

Monday – Friday, 9 am – 4 pm (aftercare available)
August 25, 26, 27, 28, 29

Grades 3-5

Campers in this hands-on stop motion + fine art making filmmaking camp explore the magical fun of this classic filmmaking technique. Our young filmmakers will work in small production groups to design and create unique clay worlds and plasticine characters and will bring them to life using professional grade software “DragonFrame Stop Motion”. Students will use DSLR cameras and Mac laptops and have a chance to record their own sound effects during a foley exercise. Voice-overs will be recorded after the voice actors have been selected. Finally, the campers will get in front of the lens themselves during a “pixilation” exercise (the animation of living subjects). The finished animated short films will be edited together with sound and music and will be shown at the studio and shared via a protected online link. Visitors to our Vimeo page can download the film to view again and again.


Please register at least a week in advance to guarantee your spot.


We believe in access to art education for all. It takes the whole community to generate the equity our pay-what-you-can tuition generates. Behind the scenes, we work to bridge the financial gap between what our students can pay and what we need to sustain our programs. Please consider carefully before you use our discount codes. Discount codes are listed on our website.